Communicate with your body.

As with title, what comes first in your mind, that you should learn to ask and feel your body before, within and after the exercises .Let me explain a little bit broader that before leaving home for gym, feel whats your body condition today, feeling somewhere pain?, not relaxed?,tired?,or your are in complete mood of doing some rock performance in the gym. and believe me your workout health or score completely depends on what you are in mood today, pre-analysis of your body mood gives you an idea of whats your body demanding today?suppose if you are feeling totally tired on frequent basis than look at your diet and make it compatible with your daily routine, look at what you are eating and have a quality food which is a foundation towards your gym goals. quality food is another great debate to should be expand more to elaborate which we gonna discuss in our upcoming posts.

similarly when you entered the gym, ask your body and feel what kind of workout you want today, suppose you entered the gym forcefully after knowing that you are tired but due to your commitment to routine you are here now, so ask your body what you can do know, whether you want to shorten your workout or you have to lift much light than normal days and in which angles you feels your body in comfortable mood and, just free your body with other members tips and tricks, Remember! everybody's structure,focus,balance and muscle flexibility even the ankles and angles are different from each other.So make your MIND AND MUSCLE connection and do it in which your body feels relaxed to do the exercise in a prescribed manner of standard methods.

And finally after the workout see on results, what was bad and on which exercises you rocked on.and make a will to try my best to make the bad one, a rocked one next time and for the rocked ones you have to plan do it in different ways and explore different varieties and angles to hit additionally and to invent a new technique for getting muscles on.

one website i would like to recommend for the proper prescribed methods of each exercise of all body parts.

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