The Muscular anatomy is the key to know the targeted muscles you are going to hit in the gym.if you know your body structure and the muscle engineering well, you can hit the area well in depth.
For those who are going to join the gym very soon first look at the chart and to learn about the parts they should and they are going to hit in a well manners.

Upper Area.
Starting from the upper area, we have abs, chest 
,wings(lats),arms,traps and shoulder here to cover.
The traps are the small muscle area which you can see from the chart,it connects and cover the neck area with shoulder and shows a very huge and roar kind of impression when developed well.
The shoulder area have three parts or you can say three brothers connecting with each other and have their own specific role to display their shape which are front phase,,side or lateral phase which pose the widths of the shoulder and the posterior phase which is behind the shoulder somewhat be a part of lats area.
The chest are the major muscle groups and also have three parts including upper, middle and lower chest.
The Wings(lats) are also the major muscle groups and the very complex and vast muscle groups through which one can develop very jet shaped V shape and the crafts design small  muscles within the middle back area.
The arms are the weak muscles of the body and hold the most of the workload throughout all the exercises, like wings, chest,shoulder and the self arm days. arms are composed of front Biceps and the back triceps muscles in which both have other specific areas to cover which we will discuss later in detail to cover in depth.

Lower Area 

(Thighs, Calves, Buttocks)

The lower are which is most less important in the routine of the bodybuilders in the gym you can say for the casual beginners. but the fact is this the building block of the upper body muscles to hold on the upper area well and to put on more workload for the upper area in the means of weight.
so the lower area have its much important in the very starting of the bodybuilding profession and habit to make a strong start for this career.
lower area covers the Thighs, calves and buttocks which we will discuss later in detail.


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