Surprise your muscle with different techniques to get the maximum of your workout.

In the gym we see many guys doing workout with same routine again and again for moths,even years and then claims at the end for no gains they are feeling in their progress.

Today we will discuss about the methods and ways through which we can give our muscle surprise with different surprising techniques of workout to get the extra mass and extra muscles activation which we were unable to discover before with the same routines.

Changing the order of exercise.

Often we see the guys doing the workout with same and same routine for years and still looking for the gains of their choice. we should try different orders of workout after a month or weekly change.suppose in 1st week we are doing flat bench press first in our exercise so get replace it with any other exercise at the 2nd week to surprise the targeted muscle and other supportive ones.

Weight Puzzle.

By this technique you can surprisingly make the muscle to grow with shuffling of the weight throughout the number sets.

suppose in set No.1 you are lifting 5lb weight and the next with 10 lb respectively. Lets give the muscle hide and seek situation with Set No.1=20lb weight , Set No.2=10lb weight and the last set No.3 do it again with 20lb weight to shock the muscle. similarly make different combination of weight in further other exercises to make it a surprise workout for muscle.

Set Shuffling.

Do same like situation with the sets, like start your workout with a standard one exercise 3 sets and the next exercise should be a super set with combination of 2 exercises side by side. this will also help in shocking the muscle with a different scenario.


So what we learned from above. 
  • Change the order of exercise every week 
  • Shuffle the volume of weight in in different probability in each exercise. 
  • Change the set routine with every next exercise(Super set, Cluster set, drop set etc...) 
  • Discover more surprising techniques and share with us. 


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